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Path to November Elections: Making a Plan to Vote
What you need to KNOW and DO between now and November, so you can exercise your right to vote safely and securely.
Small Biz Cares Member, Amy Bull of Up Frequency and the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus hosted a webinar on September 10, 2020 to discuss:
- Key decision points, deadlines, and where/how to take action on your voting rights
- How to help others also be informed and share ACCURATE information
- Check Voter Registration Status using Ohio Secretary of State website: voterlookup.ohiosos.gov
- Online Voter Registration (OVER): VoteOhio.gov
- Ballot Trax, an online system that allows you to track the status of your absentee ballot application and absentee ballot like a package: franklincountyohio.ballottrax.net/voter/
- Vote411.org, league site with nonpartisan candidate and issue guide based on your address: Vote411.org
- 2020 Census: 2020census.gov