We recently checked in with the local small business community to learn how you're giving…
Helpful Resources for your Business or Employees
A Message from the Board of Small Biz Cares
Our mission at Small Biz Cares is to connect, mobilize and inspire small businesses to make a lasting positive impact in our community. A lot of our impact revolves around our collaborative volunteering and fundraising programs. While our events are currently on hold, we still want to make sure we are bringing our members and network together to make a difference.
Now, more than ever, there is great need for our community to come together to get past this crisis. If you have the means, we encourage you to figure out how you can help others get through this difficult time. If we all do one small act of kindness, imagine how much positive impact we can make.
We understand the challenges many of you are facing over the next month or longer. This is why we are sharing several opportunities to support the business and broader community. We are also providing some information and resources to help your business and employees get through this difficult time. We hope everyone takes this time to stay safe, healthy and enjoy time with their families. Please reach out to us at columbus@smallbizcares.org if we can be of help in any way.
The Small Biz Cares Board Team
Helpful Resources for your Business or Employees
BBB, Small Biz Cares partner, providing business resources
Better Business Bureau’s website provides information and a survey so the BBB can use its resources to support your business.

State of Ohio has created a website to provide updates and resources around COVID-19:
Resources for parents and families
Questions/facts on COVID-19
Checklists to protect against COVID-19
Checklists on how to respond to COVID-19
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Coronavirus Impact and how to apply for benefits: JFS
Resources and Support for Small Businesses
Small Business Administration Offering Resources and Support for small businesses, including loan information and resources for small businesses to respond to COVID-19.
Nonprofit Marketing Support
Small Biz Cares Sponsor, Outreach Promotional Solutions is offering marketing assistance to help them build awareness during this time. Free Facebook social media help for three nonprofits: Apply Here
Maintain a Positive Vibe
Help maintain a positive vibe for your business and team through Do Gooder Columbus, founded by Small Biz Cares Board Member, Jamie Foltz.
Do Gooder is a media company that provides stories and information on those DOING GOOD in our community.
Report a Do Gooder at HERE
Join the Do Gooder Guild to support the work of Do Gooder
Displaced Employees
Small Biz Cares Board Member, Dan Saas of VACO is offering his company as a resource for displaced employees.
Please contact Dan at dsaas@vaco.com
Training to help businesses manage a productive remote workforce.
Skillsoft Demo Username: demo password: skills
Once logged in, the user can access the entire portal with resources we are providing our clients. The following two resources are directly related to COVID.
Navigating Through a Pandemic – COVID19 – Client facing presentation that can be shared with clients to help them navigate COVID. It will also show how we support our clients during difficult times.
Protecting yourself against COVID19. – Presentation talking about COVID and other viruses; how the spread, protection, etc.